Are your files MAC or PC?
We supports both MAC and PC platforms. Please let us know
which platforms you will be using.
Have you supplied all your fonts?
Include all fonts used in your document and imported graphics. It is critical
that you supply the Font Suitcase (screen version) and ALL the Postscript
fonts (printer version). You will need one set of screen and postscript
files for every font style in your document, (i.e. Times Roman, Times Bold,
Times Italic).
Truetype fonts contain both files needed for the printer and screen fonts.
You still must supply files for every style used in your document.
Like the Macintosh, you need two files for every postscript font used in
your document. You will need both the PostScript Outline Files (.PFB or
.PSS) and the Font Metrics Files (.PFM or .MMM). These will be stored in
separate directories on your hard drive, the .pfm files as a subdirectory
of your main postcript font directory.
Converting fonts to outlines in your graphics files (Freehand & Illustrator)
eliminates the need for those fonts.
Avoid stylizing fonts with command keys and hot buttons. Always stylize
(bold, italic, etc.) from the pull down menus. If you can't select the
font, odds are that you don't have the font.
Have you supplied all necessary image files?
Include all electronic files used to create your document.
Save scanned images as TIFF or EPS. Avoid PICT, JPEG, GIF and LZW compression.
Save all vector images (Freehand & Illustrator) as EPS and include
the native format as well.
Include files you've placed as FPO or OPI.
Indicate which low-res images need to be replaced with high-res versions.
Have you supplied original sources for your images & graphics?
Always include the native file (original scan) format for Freehand and
Illustrator files.
Supply hard copy originals when possible.
Do your spot or CMYK colors separate properly?
Delete all unused colors first and print separations of all the colors
left in your palette. This is a full-proof method for finding incorrectly
designated colors.
Your full color images will not print properly if they are in RGB or indexed
color. Always convert to CMYK.
If you are printing spot colors or Duotones, make sure you use the same
name for the same ink. If you are importing graphics, it's advisable to
use the imported colors from your paint menu rather than create them in
your page layout program first.
Default spot color names in pagemaker and quark are different than in illustration
and photo editing programs like Illustrator or Photoshop.
Are we scanning anything for you?
Clearly mark crop and final-size information for all your images we will be scanning.
Have you made sure your files bleed when required?
Make sure all bleeds extend beyond the edge of the page, 1/8 inch is standard.
Extending your bleeds is easy to do in a page layout program but can be
time consuming and costly if not done prior to submitting your files.
Have you included a full size laser of your file?
Send a black and white or color laser print of the finished document.
Make sure you generate your laser from the same electronic files that you
are sending to us.
If your document is too large so send at 100% of its finished size, write
the reduction amount on the reduced laser.
If you send a composite laser, clearly mark all the elements that print
in color.
If you send separated lasers, clearly mark the separations.
Are we trapping your files for you?
Avoid using Default trapping. Sometimes colors will trap to white and
cause costly problems.
Have you checked your files after copying them
to disk?
After copying your files to disk, double check to make sure you have
sent everything. Do this by opening the file from the disk you are sending
and verify that all fonts and graphics are still linked. Be sure system
fonts are "off" and the only fonts "on" are the ones on the disk.
Have you setup your document correctly?
- Make sure your document page size matches the final output
- Avoid creating a new document for each page. Set up your pages in
one document whenever possible.
- Set up your document in reader spreads - not printer spreads.
- Delete all text and graphics from the pasteboard. Also remove extra
or unused pages from your document.
Unless your document
bleeds or is printing on oversize paper, most presses require a 5/16"
margin for gripper.
Call us at 818.398.5771 today to see how we can help you on your next project.